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Anonymous (reply to SusanC)

Susan, she did not get it from me I can assure you that putting the blame on me because you personally don't like my post, or guns is not the solution. They tested my piss and blood everything negative. If I had cheated I would of admitted it. I have a right to know if she cheated on me while I was in the hospital. She was by my side most of the time only leaving to check to take the kids to school or give them food at the mother in laws, apparently. I have a right to know. All the lab techs and Dr.s say you can only get it from sexual contact. I have found a couple of web sites that say you can get it from a toilet seat. I just want the truth. Is that so wrong? The fact that she has it to the lab techs means she us guilty. I just want the truth. Some people here have said they didn't cheat and got it. I am just trying to see the odds and get to the bottom of this. Wondering about the odds of the toilet seat.

February 23, 2019 - 7:31pm


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