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My mother has stage 4 cancer and now in kidney failure, which is stage 5, right? The woman is so little (like 70 lbs), and refuses help. She don't change her own bag, and tries to get family members to do it, which was me and now my dad. My mom would like her sister to help, but she won't. Soon it will be 3 years of dealing with it. My mom's cancer doctor wants her in hospice, but she has given everyone hell since this happen to her, and will not listen to anyone, or get what she needs done. This has cause my dad and I so much stress, anger, and we are so damn tired that we can drop over at any time. My mom is also mean, so that makes it worse on us too. I do not know what to do. My mom is in 100% denial, and hasn't really helped herself since 2009, lies and says to them, I can take care of myself, then tries to get family to take care of her. My mom won't stay in the hospital for more that a day or 2 before she starts wanting out. So hospice in the hospital she will never go for, nor will she have them in her home. My dad and I are not nurses. What can we do? Should I just call hospice and let them deal with her now? I know she will fly mad and not even allow them in her house. It is too long of a story, but you guys have no idea what this woman has put me through, and the god awful things she said to her own daughter. I am at my wits end.

August 18, 2012 - 5:33pm


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