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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Hahaha omg anonymous is a complete MORON!!! Love how her opening sentence reads.. "I'm 38 years old, single by choice".. No your not honey, your single because no man in his right mind could put up with a pathetic insecure fruit loop like yourself!! Half the reason why the world think men are cheats is because there are bitches like this running their mouths just because they've been done wrong! It's total propaganda!! Open you eyes sweetheart, women cheat just as much as men do so what does that make you?? The divorce rate is just over 50% and did you know that out of that percentage 80% of the person putting the divorce claim through is a woman! And out of that 80% how many women do you think are having affairs and cheating on their husbands? There's some serious manipulation going on in these cases and it sure as hell isn't the man! All you have see is how children grow up and you'll notice little girls learn the art of manipulation well before boys ever do and then carry it on into their adult lives.. So enough of your bullshit "words of wisdom" and see the world for what it really is! Getting burnt is what happens in our quest for love so get over yourself anonymous the world dosent revolve around you!! I feel very sorry for you because you have a very lonely existence ahead of you ...

January 16, 2015 - 8:40am


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