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My period was May 1st-May 5th or 6th. I am not on the pill and we use condoms so on the 4th at like midnight we had sex but the condom broke. It was very late at night so I took the plan b one step pill like 9 hours later (being the next morning) My boyfriend said there was blood on the condom but I didn't care I still took the pill. My period like stopped after I took it. Then on the 9th I experienced blood which is a side effect of plan b. It's now June 2nd and I still don't have my period. I know it makes ur cycle go wonky but I'm still stressed. I also have lost 5lbs in the past two weeks so I know weight loss also promps irregularity. Wondering if this is normal.

June 2, 2017 - 12:34pm


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