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Look, as a guy, I can tell you that MY (notice I did not say "ALL MEN," the reason being is I could never testify as to what OTHER men would feel in this situation, only what I feel), that MY body doesn't have an on/off switch when it comes to sexuality. I have never been unfaithful to even a girlfriend let alone my wife, but one of the reasons I have never been is because I try my best not to put myself in situations as described above. I can tell you that in the past, I have noticed that every now and then a girl who has the physical traits I find desirable will walk into the same room at a Christmas party , social event, etc and I have a feeling of physical desire come over me (very temporary, but the feeling was there, and obviously she was fully clothed). I believe this is biology. This is how I am wired. I have never acted on these temporary feelings, but I have taken certain steps to avoid certain situations. I have been to countless bachelor parties where at the end of the night, my then fiancé and now wife has picked me up before my friends go to the strip club. Sure I take a ribbing for it, but I love seeing how my wife looks at me when she arrives to pick me up (my wife does the same for me at bachelorette parties due to her faith}. Once, my wife hired a younger girl to do housework on the weekends (my wife works weekends and my kids are currently in college). The young girl was very attractive and seemed overly friendly. The next day I told my wife she had to let her go. Some might find this on the side of a "Relationship Nazi," but I would rather error on the side of caution. I love my wife, I love my kids and I can't describe the beauty I see in her when she enters the room (it is indescribable, her inner beauty and her physical beauty - the temporary feeling I spoke about above doesn't even compare to this). Sometimes she could be coming home from work, tired and annoyed and watching her enter the front door I have actually cried because what I see in her could never be replicated. From what you describe with your husband, it seems like you have this kind of love. Do I think you have to do what I do or expect your husband to do the same (especially in college for a degree with a class full of people)? Not at all. Just talk to him every day. Assure each other your love is still there and strong as ever, and probably getting frisky w each other are all great ways to know your husband still loves you!

PS - By the way, I suspect your husband thinks its cute and actually makes him feel good inside you are getting a little jealous - I know it would make me feel good as long as it didn't turn obsessive! Anyway, good luck! When he has the degree it will all be worth it!

September 8, 2013 - 12:08am


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