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Hi ILuvDogs (and I do, too!)

I just want to encourage you to not feel bad if your hip replacement takes longer to heal than you thought it would. I have a friend who has had both hips replaced and each time it probably took more like 3 to 4 months before he felt truly confident and able.

Is physical therapy a part of your recovery plan?

How is the walking going? Are you able to do so without much pain?

Recovery is also based on who you were before your surgery. Someone who is much older, for instance, or frail, might have a lot more difficulty than you are since you are younger. Were you in good shape before your surgery? If so, recovery should go a little easier than it might for others who aren't. Were you sedentary before surgery? If so, it may be harder for you.

Here is an orthopaedic exercise guide from the American Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons or use after THR surgery; does it look like what your doctor gave you?


How often are you doing your exercises? Are they easier now than when you started?

January 25, 2010 - 11:33am


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