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Hi Melissa - I'm not a doctor, and I don't play one on EmpowHer, but I have a good idea of what's causing what you've diagnosed as " Lackadaisical Rut " and what you can do to "treat" it. You see, I have the same "disease" myself. When you're an active, assertive, independent and always on the go person - and you get slowed down by both illness and cancer treatments - it's very hard to accept the new pace as "normal" or even okay. I know that I tend to judge what I'm able to do right now against what I was able to do in the past, and it sounds like you do the same. Well, it took me a while to realize that I'm not being fair to myself when I do that and I'm trying to find ways to develop some new standards for what's "normal" for me now instead of using old benchmarks. I totally get why you described yourself as "lazy" in your post, but you are anything BUT lazy and you're getting an awful lot done these days, including writing your blog posts, handling your remodeling project, undergoing treatment, keeping up with the many aspects of daily life, and more. One thing that could help would be to accept that you're going to be spending more of your time inside and find some ways to develop an indoor exercise program that you would enjoy. Is that the ideal thing to do? Heck no. Is it what you used to do? Heck no. Is it making the most of today's reality and the new normal? That's something only you can answer, but I hope you'll give it a try, and give yourself credit for all the stuff you ARE getting done. I'd love to know your thoughts on this.
Take care, Pat

January 22, 2010 - 5:39pm


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