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Anonymous (reply to Christine Jeffries)

After I had my last child via emergency c-section/ tubal ligation/large ovarian cyst all at the SAME time in 2008, I began to have very heavy periods when my cycle returned after breast feeding. I put up with it for 8 or 9 months hoping my body would adjust to normal over time and it didn't. At my 2009 annual pelvic exam I discussed this with my doctor and suggested putting me back on Birth Control. Which worked great but at the age of 38, I didn't want to be on the pill until menopause and I am NOT having anymore kids so she suggested the HerOption procedure. The paperwork and the website made it sound so easy and the doctor did not mention the side effects of the Xanax. I have taken Vicodin before and never had a problem. I literally was walking into walls :-). Today I am only taking the Motrin and 1/2 of a Vicodin as needed. Still having the cramping in waves but the "loopyness" of the combo of meds has worn off. I am a little discouraged since a lot of the ladies are not happy with the results or it seems to take a long time to reach success. My doctor still has me on the pill(Kariva) for now and I see her in three weeks for follow up. I am afraid I may end up having a hysterectomy after all...

October 25, 2010 - 1:44pm


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