There are some errors in the information in this article that I fel need correcting. I am an MD board-certified in heavy metal toxicology who has performed over 30,000 EDTA chelatikon therapies. It is extremely safe when performed by a competant physicvian. It DOES NOT remove mercury however and minerals need to be replaced as stated in the article. I note that author's special interests are infertility. Mercury is a major cause of this and we have been able to treat with oral DMPS (another chelator) and previously infertile woman have become pregnant. More . Dr. Bruce Dooley
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There are some errors in the information in this article that I fel need correcting. I am an MD board-certified in heavy metal toxicology who has performed over 30,000 EDTA chelatikon therapies. It is extremely safe when performed by a competant physicvian. It DOES NOT remove mercury however and minerals need to be replaced as stated in the article. I note that author's special interests are infertility. Mercury is a major cause of this and we have been able to treat with oral DMPS (another chelator) and previously infertile woman have become pregnant. More . Dr. Bruce Dooley
January 7, 2010 - 1:21pmThis Comment