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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Hi again,
So as far as the tuna, if you can eat albacore tuna in water it would be best. It's not listed in the foods okay to eat becasue tuna is oily, but I have had seared ahi out at restaurants and not had a problem. With any pre-cooked food chicken shrimp ect, youa re suppose to weigh a little over 50 grams instead of the raw weight of 100 grams.
Usually you are safe ordering a salad just ask them to omit any bacon or cheese, croutons ect and then ask for a lemon wedge and no dressing. You can make your own vinegrette and take it with you if like which is apple cider vinegar and some stevia packets, pretty simple recipe and won't screw you up. Also, I buy the Walden farms salad dressing and have never gained using a small amount on salads. You can order it from www.netrition.com or just goole search Walden farms salad dressing.
As far as eating at red lobster you can get the lobster just no butter, so bring a bottle of I can't believe it's not butter spray and you can enjoy it with no guilt!
As far as pre-cooked meats, I buy the tyson refrigerated chicken and beef strips in the refrig section, and will make salads with them or add salsa and a bit of parmsean cheese. Salsa is a great thing to add to your chicken, meats or salad, just try to find one with no sugar added. Some may have some sugar listed from the ingredients, it's only because tomatoes have natural sugar. I make a dish using a can of petite diced tomatoes also and it's super yummy, let me know if you're interested and I will shoot it to you!
Hope this helps a little bit! ;)
Mckinney, TX

February 26, 2011 - 7:13pm


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