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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

This is also how I ended up with hsv1 on my genitals except through a one night stand. As far as I have researched and found it is my understanding that if it is the same strain you can't catch it twice, you guys should be totally free to do whatever you like, however if one of you has hsv1 and the other has hsv2 you can both catch the others virus. Hsv2 is typically "genital" herpes and can have much more severe outbreaks then hsv1 "cold sores" . Just for safety and peace of mind it would be wise to have blood tests done to find out for certain you both have the same strain. Hsv1 outbreaks even when on genitals are typically way less severe and occur less often. The first one is the worst and I can tell you from experience the secondary outbreaks are NOTHING compared to the initial one. I hope this helps

October 29, 2013 - 7:40am


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