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Hi again Samurai - I have more information for you.

Dental bridges can be quite costly, and you may want to shop around and get several estimates. I did some research and found fees ranging from $500 to $1,000 per tooth. The cost of a bridge depends on how many teeth are involved. Typically there is a fee per tooth, including the anchoring teeth on each side. For example, if a patient needed a three unit bridge (one missing tooth, two anchoring teeth), and the cost per tooth was $1,000, then the bridge cost would be $3,000. The cost per tooth depends on the lab fees, skill, training and location of the dentist.

You also asked about replacing mercury amalgam fillings with bio healthy materials.
I found quite a bit of information about doing this, but it all came from dental practices or organizations with a vested interest in doing this. I also found several articles that described this movement as ripping off patients with false information and scare tactics. I think you may want to do more research on your own about the benefits of the new materials and their actual history in patients. I'd also be very interested in hearing from EmpowHer members about this topic and their personal experiences.

Since your primary concern seems to be the impact of the existing fillings, we contacted an expert at Stanford University who provided the following information:


To understand what scientific studies have revealed regarding the use of amalgam fillings, the American Dental Association is the best source. The ADA has systematically reviewed data from clinical studies over the past decade that examined the effects of amalgam fillings on the function of nerves, brain and kidneys as well as general health. Based on this evidence, the ADA maintains that amalgam fillings are safe and effective. See: http://www.ada.org/prof/resources/positions/statements/amalgam.asp

In addition, the FDA issued a statement earlier this year supporting the safety of amalgam fillings. http://www2.prnewswire.com/mnr/ada/39331/

The bottom line is that patients should consult with a qualified dentist familiar with their dental history and needs to get answers about treatment options and potential risks.

For additional information, please see:
“Dental Filling Facts”, A description of the advantage and disadvantages of the various dental options for filling or restoring teeth. http://www.ada.org/prof/resources/topics/materials/dental_fillings_facts_full.pdf

American Dental Association Comments, 2008 http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/111416.php

I hope we've addressed your concerns and this information helps you.
Take good care,

December 7, 2009 - 5:42pm


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