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(reply to Reruho)

Thank you for keeping us updated, and it definitely does sound (or "read") as though your mood has increased significantly, and your surgeon sounds like he is really wanting what is best for you. It is very healthy to explore all of your options, and as you said, you have accepted your new terms of surgery (waiting until after your psychologist appointment to re-evaluate surgery). I'm happy to hear that you only need to wait a few more weeks, and that you have found activities in the meantime to help you heal/lessen your pain.

It sounds like you have a team of experts helping you, as you mentioned that you have a Pain Management team. What experts or health care professionals make up this team, and how often do you see them? Are they concerned that the pain you are experiencing is not from your gall bladder, or is from a combination of other conditions?

Remember you can "like" your current surgeon, and still get a second opinion from another surgeon regarding your gall bladder and/or chronic pain symptoms.

Please let us know how your appointment goes on the 15th, and what your next steps are (and, you may want to emotionally brace yourself for more delays, just in case).

November 29, 2009 - 8:10am


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