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I have had chronic dry eyes for over 10 years and use Restasisi and Refresh Tears. The Restasis drops I use twice a day that the Refresh Tears every 2-4 hours all day long. I have had my tear ducts cauterized. I have a lack of production of tears and must do everything I can to preserve them. Hence the drops. I also rest my eyes periodically through the day. At night I use a full face mask for my BIPAP machine and I don't close my eyes all the way so I use an ointment. Part of this is due to the Sjogren's Syndrome I endure. My corneas get scratched easily and they are scared. I hate the tought of losing my vision so I do all I can to preserve it. I have a great ophthalmologist and he has done a wonderful job helping me through the years. I urge anyone with chronic dry eyes to take it seriously and take as good a care of them as possible, doing everything your doctor suggests. You really should have an ophthalmologist rather than a optician since he can do surgery if necessary and knows the eye structure better. You only get one pair of eyes, so take care of them!

November 4, 2011 - 9:21am


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