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(reply to Anonymous)

Hi Anonymous,

Your situation is different-- he shares a two year old son with his ex. You should understand is that his ex will always be a part of his life- and a part of yours if you truly want to be with this man. I'm not quite sure why he is coming home at midnight but I see that you're put in a difficult situation since I'm sure you're thinking "his son is probably sleeping, why is he still there?" Am I correct?
People that share a child will almost always have something to talk about-- mainly their child.

One thing I can tell you, having a step-daughter of my own, is not to get between the relationship of a father and child. If he's doing something behind your back it will soon surface but him resenting you for not seeing his son because of you is not something you want to have thrown on you.

How long have you two been together? You should answer some questions for yourself-- to see if being with him is really what you want: Do you trust him? Has he given you reason not to? Do you love or care for his son? And where do you see your relationship going?

Hope answering these will give you better insight on your relationship.

April 7, 2011 - 6:27am


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