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I am the one who posted earlier in the month of June about how I had recieved my period after my boyfriend had touched me after putting his thing back into his pants. I would just like to say that I am doing much better! I spoke to my mom about therapy and unfortuantely she has said no for the time being. But instead she has helped me by talking about the situation with me. She was not very happy about what happened but I know she was glad I talked to her about it. I got period again RIGHT on schedule for June. It was lighter though, and more brown discharge was present then usual, but my period has been known to be lighter. It still lasted roughly 7 days though. Unfortuantley, right at the end of it I got a yeast infection but luckly I treated for it right away and it was gone within a few days. For some reason though I thought this had to due with pregnancy? This isn't correct right? Can tampons cause yeast infections? I seem to do very good about knowing that pregnancy is not possible but as soon as I get close to when my period should arrive I worry a little bit.uuuugggg!!! This is soooo frustrating!!!! I just want to get over it!!! I will say I AM better then before. My worry is only at times not as constant. Also a friend of mine just had her baby, and it has freaked me out once again ha I'm sorry...

July 2, 2012 - 2:16pm


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