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Missie, I posted on the 5th, the one you replied too. Thank you sooo much for replying!! You guys all do a great job on this website!! I got my period on the 18th, two days earlier then last months(this didn't bother me, it actually made me happy, ha I know periods can change and last month I was a day early) anywaysssss I bled heavy for about 3-4 days then my last two days were lighter. My period used to last for 7 days but the last few have only been 6 days. I am not pregnant correct? I wasn't worried at all until today ha I read somewhere that some women do get their periods, but that was probably implantation right? And mine was heavy to begin with, with severe cramps those first 3 days(like usual I ALWAYS get horrible cramps: /) so it can't be implantation right? I talked to my mom about the incident the same day I posted on here. She told me not worry ha butttt I don't feel like bothering her again so that's why I am asking you. Could I be pregnant still? I don't feel any other symtoms. Sometimes I get a little sick to my stomach but that only happens when I start thinking about it and worrying. Once again thank you for your help it is greatly appriciated. And I apologize for being so uneducated. I already spoke with my boyfriend and he respects my not wanting to engage in any sexual acitivities anymore.

May 30, 2012 - 8:33pm


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