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My boyfriend and I were dry humping with clothes on. He came in his underwear/shorts and none got on my shorts. He went and wiped himself and washed his hands with liquid soap and bar soap (well he said he did and I heard him but i just dont remember how long) and he dried them and changed his underwear/pants in that order. Then after maybe 10 or 15 minutes (don't know exact) we started dry humping again with pants on still and he slipped his hand down my panties and touched my vagina. It felt like the outer edge because I know I felt dry (his hand was dry too and he was even rubbing his hand all over the sheets and my shorts and stuff just before so I know they were dry too) and I squirmed when he did it and he quickly removed his hand so he never completely fingered me. It was maybe a second or two at most. I'm just worried that maybe when he cleaned himself he didn't get the semen completely off his hands or something. I'm a
Ittle paranoid. Please help. Also, my period was just 2-3 days before if that helps. Thanks..

March 26, 2012 - 12:31pm


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