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EmpowHER Guest

Thanks for a nice response. I am the crazy one nicknamed crazy kim throughout life . Who wouldnt be depressed today. Bipolar I agree is not being able to control your behavior. Stratera and Riddelin do not work. I almost burnt house down then wrote to you then was happy. Bounced back and hide. hate people my answering machine says :this number has been disconnected. I hate people because they always made fun of me. Depression causing bipolar seems easy. I feel isolation and not being understood because of rude comments I make and laughing when nothings funny. I maybe was not hyperactive /add at age 7 when meds were required after accidently stabbing a girl with a pencil. Is it possible being bipolar is genetic and has nothing to do with the world. If you are bipolar remember people fear what they dont understand. I tryed to fix the behavior of laughing and not sitting still finishing tasks since I was a kid. As a adult gambling 8000 one night and still online. I have rent due today and 2.00 My husband did burn his leg last night on my accident with the candle almost burned house down and know he again has to pay my rent. He finally agrees after reading bipolar symptoms its true. He always asked ''whats wrong with you'?''. I hope I am not stupid. Depressed or Happy I dont know. Depressed I am alone, but happy I am safe. I am so happy I have a husband . Still is close to leaving me but he understands after learning about bipolar. Hey if bipolar is the cool thing you will learn not to tell anyone if you like them around. Many people look at you different. unfortunatly if bipolar the urge is tell everyone if it scares them then you will laugh. If this is still misunderstood seems it cant be treated. Is the more popular opinion it is genetic or evolves later in life. I may of been the genetic one. Bye wrote earlier and it vanished. forgot most of it now thanks to computers. I may continue writting on paper then scan then paste it. Oh technology dont let it make you go bipolar. lol thats would be a great commercial. well bye hate those who dwell about themselves like we all do. Only created 1 more enemy today thats good. Real mad this guy got and its my fault. Highs and Lows extreme. Thats when I fear a manic attack It sucks being scared of yourself. I feel treatment is needed and that I will get. I dont want to hurt anyone ever again. Burning my husband. swearing at everyone. not going out with my brother to movie but buy him the same movie on the blackmarket. I am so hated my husband is moving us to a new neighborhood. He doesnt want to but me happened again. Are u who replyed bipolar or doctors. Oh doing god like things I literally applyed to be a doctor. Why I was feeling good that day and have taken enough college courses that equivalate to a doctor. Not true art classes and my goal was never medical. If a stupid person really applys to be a doctor and confident is that depression or is that syball or really really stupid. bipolar is just doing unheard of things and its right until it is explained. i can piss off the pope popular saying we all i am sure heard lol bye try not going crazy today. Was singing that song I think i ammmmmmm crazy. glad to be attractive and glad to scare them away after a hour. Goals today hide and not do dumb things.

September 1, 2010 - 4:45am


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