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EmpowHER Guest

I just received my annual flu shot 3 weeks ago today and am having excrutiating pain. I am a nurse and given hundreds of flu shots, but the nurse at the clinic I work at gave it way too high and now I am suffering. I have pain in the shoulder joint radiating up to my neck and back to my shoulder blade on the right side. It hurts to bring my arm across my front or raise above my head or turn the steering wheel. I have a 1 and 2 yr. old and it has been very hard to carry them and care for them. I'm scared I might even drop them. I told my supervisor, but nothing was done about it, even though she administered it too high to many other co-workers. I've read several posts and assume it will fade away over time. If not, I plan on having the clinic pay for any testing or appointments, as I have it documented with my dr. that it was bothering me a week ago. I will not get the flu shot again unless I know the person knows what they are doing!

October 29, 2010 - 8:28pm


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