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Bless you for your reply. Oh, my gosh - I could write a book on what happened to me. It does 'boil' down to not being told of alternatives, and even the surgery (The Hysterectcomy) was not even necessary. What a shame I trusted in a long time OB/GYN, and he pushed me into having it. He said things to me which I have heard the same of other women being told the same by their doctors; i.e., "You will feel so much better after having this Hyst., and it won't change anything - other than not being able to bear anymore children." Being that I told him I was not wanting anymore children (have two children); he said, "Well, than why have to suffer with these ongoing heavy periods due to these (two small) fibroids, and you will have no more bloody periods." My husband was at this one appointment when he said this, and winked at my husband. I will never forget that. It was as if he was stimulating my husband to push me into having a Hyst., so my husband did not have to deal with my 'time of the month' ever again. It is the sickest thing a doctor could have done when I think back on this. Talk about being a 'third person'. Oh, and my husband, who is wonderful, by the way, and certainly was concerned about what was best for me; however, did pick up on that, being a male, and thought, "Gee, sounds great to me. No more periods. Where does she sign?" The one part he did not hear is how a woman loses her sexual drive and feelings. Now, let me tell you. I used to be a 'sex kitten'. I think this is one factor of why my husband loves me. Hey, 'Sex, and initimate relations with one's significant other is so important. My husband loves to 'make love'. I did too. I would even be the one to promote it before the Hyst.; i.e., I would - as an example, sneak up on him while he was in the shower and surprise him for a fun romp in the shower. I would surprise him by going around in a robe, and then at the right time, while he was in the middle of a football game, a news program, etc., he was into - stand in front of him, open up my robe to display a very sexy lingerie outfit I put on. We are talking not only the lingerie, but fishnet stockings and garters, and, in other words, 'the works'. I do not think he got the final score on the football game he was watching that night...

Ever since the Hyst., I have no desire for sex. I have been married to my husband for twenty eight years. Prior to the Hyst., and as I stated, our sex life was fantastic. This doctor never mentioned once that there was a possibility my feelings would change. Well, they certainly have. Goodness knows what he has taken from me. My whole body has changed. I am sure I deal with a shortened cervix, my uterine orgasms are no longer, and I do not feel the same when having him make love to me. It feels 'weird', to say the least.

But oh, let me get to the 'physical changes' on top of this: I hurt all the time in my back area. I have, and only after the Hyst., to deal with horrible back pain. I was a runner before this, so I know 'stamina' after doing years of events with running 10k and 12k runs. I also have horrible fatigue since the Hyst., and feel off so many times throughout my day. I also had been diagnosed with RSDS before I had the Hyst., and told this doctor this. It is a 'Nerve Disease'. Had he been a 'good doctor' and caring; he would never have done this surgery on me. It may well be the cause of other problems I suffer with now. Isn't this sick; in that, this doctor did not care about this (if anything), and he was greedy to 'make a buck'...

Oh - get me going... I have every right to be upset. My husband, and any other in my family, has every right to be upset about the whole scope of this. This doctor has gotten away with something which has now not only ruined me in so many ways, but has affected my husband, and other loved ones. Pretty sick, huh? This doctor was greedy, and I now pay for this; when he should have sought other alternatives for me; especially, with he knowing I have RSDS. How dare him!!!

I even went to three other GYNs after the Hyst.; being I was feeling so awful after it. One GYN refused to do a Laproscopy on me because I have RSDS. Why didn't the doctor who I had the Hyst. done by, not treat me with utmost care and not do a Hyst. on me; i.e., to save me from complicating and hurt me more since I had this nerve disease, and save me from complications when there were alternatives for me? He did not mention once any...

I hope other women read this. I hope other women do not fall for what doctors do with pushing a female into having a Hyst.. This is a sick and greedy 'money making machine' for doctors. We need to stand up and fight against this. If anyone, who reads my comments, has a question; get back with me. I surely do wish the best for all women out there. Just remember - there are 'ALTERNATIVES'. Blessed we are to be able to read and listen to others. Just go to the HERS Foundation website, if anything. I 'kiss' the ground that Nora Coffey and Rick Schweikert walk on (and all the other fine staff at this place).

We need to stop this insanity. Trust me - generations to come will look back on this with doctors performing Hysts. on women, and getting away with this before and now, and when so unnecessary, do not explain/tell of the complications (the life long of these complications), and it will be a comparison similar to the 'Holocaust'. I never want to counter down to what the Jewish people had to suffer. I do not intend this at all. (I am a 'Schindler's List' person.) But, people will wonder how doctors got away with this inhumane treatment of women for so long; just as how Jewish people suffered, slavery was gotten away with, and all that man does to mankind, and how women have been so mistreated. Get your pens out, sharpen your typing skills, and get on the ball to write to whoever (congressmen, etc.) to stop this mutilation to women. Yes, mutilation. I will never be the same. I am afraid to say what I would do to a doctor, if he ever did this to my daughter. Key words here... "Needless" and "Greedy".

Best to all out there. I want everyone to know too - we must be grateful for our significant others who do continue to tolerate us after this hideous surgery. I kiss the ground my hubby walks on (don't tell him that), but he knows me, and knew there was only a 'change' in me, and me suffering after the Hyst., and how it must hurt him. How dare these doctors hurt so many lives...

P.S. I forgot to mention - can one imagine all the costs I have incurred after having his unnecessary Hyst.? I have gone, as I said, to three other GYN's to try to get help and answers to what is wrong with me after having the Hyst., and paid medical bills, paid for the expenses of traveling to see these other doctors, gas, motel rooms, food, airplane fares, etc., and all due to this Hysterectomy...

August 28, 2009 - 9:33pm


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