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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

To the 29 year old, and anyone who hits a plateau. You may need to up your calorie intake with fiberous foods, greens, or bran. People forget to take extra fiber or a multi vitamin. If you plateau, its your body getting used to the way things are. Instead of walking 2 or 3 days for a half an hour, try an hour on these days. Add a little weight training, you can buy the wrist or ankle weights. Push-ups, jumping jacks. Aerobics and yoga. I swear I plateau after lossing each 15 pounds, and I just vary it up a bit, and start losing again. With all that said, I went and bought the quick start pack, more bang for my buck! I was reading and I am sad, that it is not a full month supply- stuff is pricey. I went to costco and restocked on my flaxseed and multi packs for another 100 days for 32 bucks. Again I take 2 doses of ephedra per day due to my fat guy asthma. I work out when I can, generally 4 times a week, cardio and toning. I don't do diets as I would have to change my eating style which is tough due to my job. It would mean my clients would have to change their eating habits. Again any questions comments, or you need encouragment- [email protected]

November 27, 2009 - 3:30pm


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