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EmpowHER Guest

I have lost about 57lbs in about yr via a trainer & counting calories & tons cardio. I don't have a personal trainer anymore, but still counting calories & doings tons of calories. I have about 20lbs to go, so I decided to buy JM's fat burner pills to help get over this stupid plateau. I haven't lost any wght, but did gain a couple. Before any skeptics jump in, I think the reason gained some wght is not eating enough calories. I try try to burn @ least between 1200-1400 calories a day. And I am doing her DVDs (30 day shred & the cardio one) along with going to the gym & lifting wghts 4 times a wk. I'm eating way less than I should. I think the pills a curbing my appetite, which isn't a good thing if you are burning tons of calories. But it's good for those who don't burn tons of calories. Basically, I think the pills work the way one fits it into their diet/exercise plan. Every body is different when it comes to processing anything. I

November 19, 2009 - 9:05am


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