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Anonymous (reply to Diane Porter)

Iodine deficiency is related to fibrocystic disease (breast and ovarian) and prostate problems (which can lead to cancer). Since the thyroid is the master gland that regulates the water levels and therefore the fluid flow of our bodies to obtain nutrients and discard toxins, it would seem to me that it is indeed a health issue to not have access to this essential nutrient in packaged foods.

Chlorine and Flouride chemicals in our drinking water also block absorption of minerals, including iodine. That's just science. Flouride is a historical discard from metalworks plants that in the early 20th Century someone figured out would help teeth, but also will kill a small child if enough (4 oz. or less, depending on body weight) is ingested. Someone's not minding the store as far as our health is concerned. I have low thyroid at the cell level and need the kelp I take to keep things working the way they should. Also, the fibrocystic disease disappeared within a couple of weeks of beginning to take kelp (seaweed). It's just common sense.

June 29, 2010 - 7:05am


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