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yes i had went to a place they do pregnancy testing there for free i had made an appt and i was think ing to myslef ok yes i know its gonna come out negative and when she had me go use the restroom and pee in a cup then we were talking and she was asking questions but she askd me to put a few drops on the test and we begin talking again then she looked down and said yes your pregnant and i look at the test and it said positive i was like omg ... i was in denial so i went to a planned parent hood and took another one the same day but it came out negative so i was really confused i took a couple of more after that and it still came out negative i called the customer service line for the plan b pill and they said i should have had my period that the bleeding was a side effect but i should have had another period i told them about me spotting and they suggested me go to the DR and take a pg test thats all they seem to say but see i had ALOT of intercourse oct 8 thru oct 30 more than usual ... if i woulda gottn pregnant the last day i had sex when should i be able to test and come out with a good reading and then im alittle more worried cuz i postd my question on another website and i had an reply but he said he wife had the same problem and now they are expecting then had another reply saying she had the same thing happen to her but she didnt get a good reading till Dec and it was positive ...

November 25, 2010 - 11:21pm


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