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ok im a little concerned also my last period was for sept but it was late so it started early oct my boyfriend came down from iraq so the first time we had intercourse was oct 8 and we had ALOT of intercourse mind you we were kinda planning on trying to get pregnant oct 14 i decided to take a plan b pill and a couple of days later i had some bleeding i didnt know to take it as my period or a side effect but i believed it to be a side effect but me and my boyfriend kept having sex after i took it... on oct 24 i got a false positive on a pregnancy test thelast day we stopped having intercourse was the day before halloween and nov2 i started spotting i thought i was going to start my period but it was really lite and lasted 21/2 days the 1/2 of day it was like a brownish color like a end of period color and till this day i have not gottn my real period and today is THANKSGIVING !!! so im worried should i have gottn my period by now or does anyone think im pergnant ?? i took a hpt but they come out negative && i dont know if it could be to early to take it ...

November 25, 2010 - 5:02pm


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