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(reply to Anonymous)

Hi Anonymous

Plan B is not for use as birth control. It is emergency contraception. The hormone levels are different and it may not be as safe as regular birth control to keep using it "many times." It would be much safer to use a regular method of contraception.

As far as your symptoms, I suggest you make an appointment with a health care provider to see what is going on. That's a long period and with your history of intermittently blasting your body with hormones, it's hard to say what exactly is happening. Have you taken a pregnancy test just in case? Plan B has to be taken within a short period of time. Since you said you took it several days later, I don't know if that could be a factor here.

Please see a health care provider and let us know how it goes. Good luck.

October 14, 2010 - 6:47am


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