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EmpowHER Guest

Ok so my friend wants help due to the following:

She was a virgin, fooled around on august 12th (Didn't really have sex, only the tip was possibly in, and neither her nor the guy she was fooling around with knew for sure if the tip was in or not). The guy said he was 90% confident it was NOT in...No ejeculation occured.

Either way, just to be safe she got the morning after pill 10 hours later, exactly as directed.

Got her "period" 4 days later - Aug 16th(one day full period, the remaining two days were spotting). This was unexpected, as she is pretty regular, and she would be expecting her period at the end of the month, or Sept 1, 2010.

She's wondering if she should expect her period a full cycle from the spotting she receieved due to plan B. Ie (Sep 16), or if her period should still come as usual on Sept 1?

August 22, 2010 - 1:58pm


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