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(reply to Anonymous)

Bleeding is actually a good sign! When a woman has menstrual bleeding, it means she is not pregnant. There is no such thing as "old blood" from a period from 3 weeks prior. Actually, woman's menstrual periods can be many different colors: brown, pink or red, and these are all normal. Brown spotting can be the beginning of her period, or can be something called "breakthrough bleeding" that happens in-between periods. Breakthrough bleeding is not anything to worry about, as it can occur after taking hormonal contraceptives or emergency contraceptive (Plan B), the only "bad" thing about it is that it makes it confusing to know when your girlfriend's "real" period will begin. But, there is nothing harmful about it.

Implantation bleeding is such a misnomer; it is more akin to spotting where there is literally a spot of blood from the fertilized egg implanting in the uterus that occurs once, and happens around the time of an expected period. Most women do not even notice it, as it is that slight. When a woman is actively spotting...more than just once during the day...this is the start of a period or breakthrough bleeding/spotting.

Plan B can cause menstrual irregularities, so your gf may not have a regular period for a cycle or two. Also normal and not harmful.

Have you two discussed your birth control options, so that you both aren't freaking out again? It sounds very stressful! Condoms, when used consistently and correctly every time, are up to 98% effective at preventing pregnancy. The pill and other hormonal contraceptives are up to 99% effective when used correctly. We are happy to talk more about birth control options when you are ready.

In the meantime, your girlfriend will need to wait until the time she expects her next period (about 2 weeks after unprotected sex) to know if she is pregnant or not; either her period will begin, or she can take a home pregnancy test.

June 6, 2010 - 6:42pm


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