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Hi Susan! How are you?
Here is my situation, what do you think?
My last period was march 13, 2013 then on march 23 I had unprotected sex, the next morning I took the plan b pill(the first one), but never took the second one, I guess it was a last minute change of heart. On the 11 of this month (April) I got very light bleeding, kinda pinkish, a little red and then brown, very light cramping. It only lasted two days. My period was due on the 10th, I am pretty exact most of the time. I tested today but it said negative. I have been feeling nauseated off and on and I've had stuffy headaches for at least 5 days. Has this ever happened to anyone. Is there a possibility that I may be prego. Any comments? Is this normal for plan B, even if it was only half a dose or could it have been implantation bleeding?? Any comments would be greatly appreciated. Good

April 18, 2013 - 2:42pm


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