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(reply to kikiemaria)

Hi kikiemaria,
The risk of pregnancy from what you said happened is low. Please try to relax, and expect your period soon. You likely will get it. If you happen to not get it when you expect, take a home pregnancy test, or call your doctor to request an appointment to get checked out. Now is the time to educate yourself well about sex and what can make you pregnant--and how to avoid it happening when you're not ready for it. The following articles may help. Please take the time to read them, so you can best advocate for your health and avoid the drama of worrying needlessly. If you have more questions after thoughtfully reading the articles, let us know, or schedule an appointment with a doctor to discuss your reproductive health and answer questions about contraception methods that would work best for you.
Here are the articles: Answers for Women: Am I Pregnant After Unprotected Sex?, Am I Pregnant? Myths and Facts About Sex, and The Misconceptions of Sex.

May 20, 2011 - 9:33am


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