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HI i posted about a month ago on here concerned about my situation. Ok me and my boyfriend throughout december had been together. He has never penetrated me at all. The contact we did have was penis on vagina and rubbing. He never ejaculated on my vagina, it was near but never on. My questions is..I had my period on January 10 2011. I was so relieved because I had read there is a chance of pregnancy with any contact. So the question I have is..my period started out with me wiping with toilet paper and had a brownish pink tint to it and than I wiped again and it was bloody. My period lasted from the 10th to the 14th and there was more brown on the tampons than I usually remember. My periods only last 4-5 days so this one seemed just the same other than the brown. The first day was heavy and the second day (sorry for being so graphic) was even more so. When i woke up on the second day it was dripping out of me after I went pee. After that it tapered off and got lighter until the last day. I took a pregnancy test last monday (feb 7th) and it was negative. I took it because for some reason I started thinking about everything I read and it made me nervous to think that maybe I didn't have my period, and I could be pregnant. The pregnancy test was negative and if I were to be pregnant, it would have shown than right?? Seeings how I would be about 10 weeks along. I am waiting for my period to start again sometime this week, I just get scared that it won't. Can someone ease my mind and tell me whether or not my period wasn't a period and maybe implantation bleeding or something else? Please write back asap. Thanks.

February 14, 2011 - 10:10am


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