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Hi All.
Me and my girlfriend were having a little foreplay yesterday (13th of February 2011) morning and we rubbed our genitals together, and eventually touching the tip of my penis to her vagina (just barely). I did not penetrate her, and she acknowledges this saying she did not feel anything at all. (and she is generally speaking very sensitive in that area)
Now, I've read articles saying that pre-cum does not contain sperm cells, while some other articles claim that pre-cum CAN contain sperm from a previous ejaculation unless the man urinates, killing the 'leftover' sperm in the urethra.
I had not ejaculated in the past 3 days and as it happens, I had urinated 10 minutes before we rubbed our genitals together.
This act went on for about 2 minutes and like I've said before, there was no penetration involved only touching and I had urinated 10 minutes before this happened and there was absolutely no ejaculation involved (not even in the past 3 days).
I would really appreciate any help with this.
What are the chances that she might get pregnant?
I am concerned about her, as she does not want to take an oral contraceptive (she's more opsitive than me about her not getting pregnant) because she fears the side effects they bring.
Thank you.

February 13, 2011 - 4:03pm


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