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(reply to Anonymous)

Hi Anonymous,
Thanks for your post. Try to relax and keep waiting for your period. Please read those articles I posted links to in the comment right above yours. I think it may help explain some things--like how it's difficult to get pregnant without penetration as in intercourse. It's risky what you did, but not likely you would get pregnant this way. Risky, for the most part because it's not very far from what you were doing to full penetration. You know it could take one mistake in the heat of the moment to change your life. You may want to be prepared next time if you decide to continue to be sexually active with your boyfriend, and avoid unwanted pregnancy and STD/STIs.
Good luck and let us know if you have more questions after you read the articles. We're here to help, but you need to EmpowHER yourself too so you can advocate for your own health.

December 22, 2010 - 9:31am


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