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(reply to Anonymous)


I am so happy for you and amazed that the Amberen is helping so much with your migraines! I have a friend who, like you, has suffered from migraines since she entered perimenopause (it has been 10 years now, she is in total menopause but still has the migraines). She has tried different medications, different doctors, acupuncture, exercise, and diet and nutrition changes; she has kept a migraine log religiously for years and still they don't have a way to get them to stop. Right now she is receiving Botox injections around the forehead and the back of the neck, which seem to give some relief. But it's clearly an extremely difficult puzzle to solve. I will be sure to tell her about your experience.

Can you take your Amberen box or bottle to your neurologist and see what he thinks about the ingredients and why they might be helping?
I'm very curious! (And very hopeful for you and others!)

June 14, 2010 - 8:53am


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