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Anonymous (reply to Maryann Gromisch RN)

Hi Maryann Gromisch RN, Thank you. I'm a bit enlightened.

I went to the doctor today. She asked if I ever had "sexual contact" well I said No. I never mentioned her about my "possible pregnancy". Now my conscience is haunting me. The truth is I don't even know if it's sexual contact because his penis was never inserted to mine. In fact, I was even on my shorts still after that sexual activity. (Just like what I've said yesterday..)

She prescribed me this medication : Duphaston 10mg # 10. 1 Tablet 2x daily for 5 days. And I started drinking it after the consultation.

It's just that, I am a second year nursing student. And based from what I've learned in our Maternal & Child and Anatomy & Physiology, Progesterone is like what the "mothers" need. It somewhat helps in maintaining the baby inside. But it is also the one the slugs off during menstruation. Is that right? I've researched this Duphaston and seems like it promotes pregnancy... though some OB also prescribes it as a medication to women with irregular menstruation, well.. am I taking the right drug? I'm a bit confused. Maybe because I've not told her about my suspicions for possible pregnancy? Hmm. About me & my boyfriend's sexual activity, are you like 100% sure that I cannot be pregnant with that?

Btw, the doctor also asked me to have a Transrectal Ultrasound. Hmm. What can you say about that?

I super trust you my dear mary ann. I'm still in college and I could not afford to get preggy! :(

January 6, 2012 - 2:58am


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