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Hi Maryann Gromisch RN, I am a bit scared right now. I had this sexual experience with my boyfriend this December 30, 2011. We also had another one last January 2, 2012. On the day of December 30, I got the chance to hold it. I'm pretty sure there's a fluid that was excreted thru his penis. He never inserted his penis around me. My shorts was even on. I even dried my hand I used to touch his penis at his back and shirt. But I can't remember if I washed my hands when I got home. But I can be assure that I never touched my vagina during the experience. It's just that, I'm a bit paranoid because I never had menstruation for 3 months now. My last menstruation was October. Yes, I have Irregular menstruation. I already had pelvic ultrasound a year ago and the doctor said it is normal. She said, I don't need to panic because I'm still 17 back then and I will need to worry about it if I am already 21. I'm planning to undergo Pelvic Examination once again to confirm about my irregularity in menstruation & also to check if I'm pregnant? I mean, If there's a fertilization that took place, it will show there, right? After all, it's the uterus & it's other neighbor body parts are what being check...

Thanks in advance!

January 5, 2012 - 5:54am


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