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EmpowHER Guest

I have learned so much from reading all your posts. I have to try Joey's program. My biggest issue is finding time to fit everything into my busy schedule. Anyone have any programs on Time Management that work like Joey's program seems to? I feel overwhelmed with all I have on my plate and I am hating my body. I used to be so slim and trim, but now "not so much". I find myself being very undisciplined these days. I start the morning thinking today's the day where I change my life and begin to focus on me, my health, eating and exercise. But, by the end of the day, I've gone right back to my old habits. Where does one get the will power to follow through. It seems I get on this roller coaster...up and down. I start out with good intentions and then I have a sugar craving and off I go to get something sweet to eat to boost my energy. I need a complete overhaul..body and mind.

Sorry to ramble on but I want to understand from all of you who are exercising, how you've become so disciplined. Was it always like that for you? Is this a new learned behavior? Can you share your secrets with me on how to value yourself more?

I don't need to be model thin, I just want to feel good in my clothes and have some muscle tone. I look like a bowl of jello. Everything is shaking...Even things I didn't know could shake are shaking. But more importantly...I need to feel good in my mind and heart that I can be my own best advocate. Can someone help me?? Is Joey's program the first step or the 5th?


July 9, 2009 - 11:07am


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