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(My apologies for a late reply...)
Alison: Yes, it was easy to give up alcohol as when my hubby passed away, suddenly I was alone, other than his relatives & mine, who many of them were utter thieves, alcoholics & condesending miserable sods - I realized that I HAD BROUGHT THIS ILLNESS ON, by drinking for 25 yrs. Just because you're never drunk doesn't mean a hill-of-beans to your health. Moderate drinking is/was 2-3 stiff drinks per day okay ? Now, as of April /09 Canada BC Medical released information stating that research (? why didn't they just ask a ton of us ?), yes research showed that moderate drinking (stiff drinks) should be ONLY 1-2 per WEEK Maximum, in order to prevent (or so they think), prevent any illness from striking.
The five I was referring to are:
-Grand-Mal Seizures (Mine & Gary's)
-Permanent Deafness
-Permanent Blindness
-Heart Attacks
-Corroded Livers
Since trying to spread the warning, I've met & know personally some who have been hit - NONE of us have had any sufficient pre-warnings.
I started drinking at 16 yrs of age, when my Dad passed away & Mom had a struggle managing with his buriel costs + much more. My first job was at a TD Bank in town, after 1 week being trained as a Teller, the Manager said to me, if I wanted to succeed in Banking, I needed to smoke, drink coffee black & go for drinks at the Bar with my superiors. AND, so I did... AND was successful in the industry... Until Christmas Eve 1999 - BAM out of the blue I had my first seizure... blah blah blah, you know the rest.
So between 2 bad marriages that I hated, but didn't want to admit my stupidity + keeping a high paying job - I drank... Liquor was my best-friend... Always there when I needed calming... Problem though... while it settles your nerves almost instantly... when it wears off - your nerves return, WORSE than before... so...another drink etc etc etc - and so it goes...
Stress now is n/a...
There is none...
N O N E...
I literally ran back to mine & Gary's Christian upbringing & it was & is & will always be my strength, substance & endurance.
I've found that everything I was taught as a child, is PERMENANTLY SECURE in life - IF we choose the correct path, that being God's path & HIS alone...
Blessings to you all...
blessings !

January 5, 2010 - 11:12am


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