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EmpowHER Guest

I'm greatly offended by this article. It makes people with eating disorders sound like spoiled manipulative brats.

Maybe it's the title that gets to me. Number One reason? Maybe if it was titled "One of the Reasons People get Eating Disorders" I'd be less offended.

I can understand why parents of children with eating disorders are offended by this article. I can understand why people with eating disorders are offended. I have an eating disorder and I'm very offended.

That being said.....

I think some parents on here are very narrow-minded--almost fanatical. This whole idea of "we're a healthy loving happy family and our child developed an this disease....It's a brain disorder. We're not to blame."

It just reminds me of my own family. They're not abusive. They're not horrible people. But despite what they believe, they are not perfect and wonderful parents. They have done things to hurt me.

I feel there are two extreme sides here.

There are the psychologists who want to blame EVERYTHING on the parents. As a parent myself, I hate that. I feel no matter what I do, I'm going to end up screwing up my child forever.

On the other side there are the parents who want to believe that it's impossible that they have hurt their child. These people remind me of my own parents. The message I have always gotten from them is that we have a close, loving, wonderful family. People compliment my family all the time. We look picture perfect. We're funny. We smile. We're entertaining. We do fun stuff together. And my family IS great to an extent. But we DO have our problems.
And some of those problems may have led to me eventually having an eating disorder.

Yes, biology and genetics might have played a role as well. But to discount environment in my opinion is as narrow minded as putting all the blame on parents.

June 14, 2009 - 5:44pm


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