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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Anonymous -This could be me writing your story about your brother. My big strong 6ft 2 brother of 67 years has had two chemotherapy programs after his initial major surgery and his doctors have now told him there is no point in proceeding further with it as it is having no effect and they do not wish to make him feel worse by his medication. The chemo has made his greying hair fall out in a day. He would like to do things with and for his grandchildren but is mostly too weak now as his weight has fallen away while we watch. He seems cheerful enough in his voice but the look in his eyes has changed. Where there was passion and compassion and much humour there is now a little boy lost and bewildered, which he cannot disguise no matter that he tries his best for all our sakes. I have told that I love him like life itself and will walk with him right up to the gate. What more can you do?

June 24, 2015 - 7:54pm


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