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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I was in a similar situation. I hadn't had sex with my boyfriend for about 4 months as well. What I did was take care of myself. I went and got a mani-pedi, got my hair cut... you get it the whole shebang. Then I let go, I didn't ask, didn't bring it up, it was one of the hardest things to do because I was going absolutely insane. I realized that caring for him, helping reduce his stress, and getting out of the house with girlfriends would more than distract me. I had enough going on with me. After about a month of not saying anything, not trying so hard, he came around with a good weekend trip to a city a couple hrs away. After that weekend everything has been great. I think sometimes you just need to get away for even a night. I think the biggest thing that helped was just to stop asking and pushing. At one point he said to me "Do you have to be so desperate?". It hurt and I almost ended it there but it was worth it to wait. I love my boyfriend too and I know that when a man loves you he wants you to be happy too. So I would say just try to find anything to distract, go out with your girls, have fun with friends, do something fun with him. And don't do anything related to or even talk about it, don't even suggest it. Maybe he just wants to be the one pursuing you and not the other way. Good luck. Just remember how much you love him. If he loves you and you know that cheating is a deal breaker for him he probably isn't cheating on you. Go get that mani-pedi and look beautiful, he will come around and be the one jumping on the opportunity :)

May 9, 2011 - 11:14am


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