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(reply to Enlightened)

I'm going to play Dr. Ruth Wannabe here, and just humor me.

Your assignment:
Get in bed with your beloved, and just hold each other, aka snuggle, no touching sexually. Try this for one week. Get to bed together with the agreement that there will be under no circumstances touching or petting of your private parts allowed. Only snuggle time.

Reason for this. You'll feel closeness with each other . There is no pressure and therefore no resentments and fears.

Anyone willing to be a guinea pig for this experiment? Let me know how it goes...if it's successful, with success meaning you feel closer to each other and feel you've had a special intimate moment, then maybe I'll try it for myself. So doc's order. Try that for a whole week, and call me the morning after.

August 15, 2009 - 11:16pm


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