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(reply to Anonymous)

To Anonymous man,

I appreciate you writing here and being open about voicing your perspective. This is the kind of response us woman would like to hear so we can better understand! I can totally understand your point of view. I guess we women have to be more sensitive and attentive to clues, and encourage you men. Hear that, fellow ladies?

I agree, it is counter-productive when both partners are waiting on each other. It's a stalemate. You don't go anywhere. I know the problem don't just lay on one partner...usually it is both. Correction, in fact it is both.

I think it will take one to be the hero (Oh no! I'm sounding like Dr. Phil) to save the relationship. Someone has to be the courageous one...Someone has to lose the ego, lose the pride, to save the relationship. One has to give in to save the relationship. If both won't back down, then both will just lie like a stiff log in bed. I think partners just need to open up, and talk! Stop blaming each other and drop all resentments and forgive and just start fresh. I think this is the only way in order to move on and rekindle any intimacy.

No guts, no glory.

Again, thanks for your input, man. Anonymous man.

August 15, 2009 - 10:59pm


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