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EmpowHER Guest

Wow it is amazing reading everyones comments about relationships - I have had a very rocky relationship with my BF over the last 2 years - we tried counselling and it worked for a bit (the problems I had were him spending ALL his time on his computer and ignoring me, chatting up and meeting other chicks behind my back, staying up until all hours of the morning and not coming to bed with me etc) I feel that he is not the guy for me, but at times I still really love him and I cant leave him caus sometimes I think what if I am the one with the problem? Am I expecting to much, am I being to greedy and possessive? And I dont know and I dont want to make a mistake. The latest is I had a friend over and he told me he wanted to sleep with her - on one hand at least he was honest - but on the other I now feel really really horrible as a person and GF. I am at a loss as to how to react or think or feel - anyones help on how they got through a similar situation would be appreciated..I have many times wondered why he even wants to be with me - hes computer is so much more important and where he wants to be - so what is the point of me? I have broken up with him multiple times but he always talks me into staying with him - and I dont understand why he does this, why doesnt he just let me go, why doesnt he make time for me and him, why does he want to be with me and says he loves me but then says he wants to sleep with someone else?

August 13, 2009 - 4:02am


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