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(reply to Anonymous)

Reading all these posts here (boy am glad to find out that I am not alone, but I'm not glad at all that the problem is pervasive) have led me to believe there is something in the air, in the environment that's causing our men to not want sex! I am serious.

But I am glad about the guy who posted here and told his reasons of not wanting sex...straight from the horses' mouth. I can understand if I was a guy...that makes sense if he is not married to the girl. It's a turn off if the girl would want to get pregnant (a paranoid fear on his part possibly, but plausible). Or if he does not see a future with the girl, he's holding back on the intimacy...well shit then don't be in the relationship! God's sake! Ooops, sorry, just friggin' frustrated..Okay, back to my point...However his explanation does not hold water for the wives here who are married to their guy. Why aren't those men not having sex with their wives? Hmmm? Explain that to me.

July 12, 2009 - 10:06am


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