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EmpowHER Guest

I wonder how many people actually read the question.

I'm currently having the same problem and it's very irritating. My ear is clogged because... pay attenttion now... I blew my nose. So no, blowing my nose won't solve the problem - it'll make it worse. With common sense I'd reason that there's too much pressure there, due to the blowing. UNLIKE with Swimmers Ear where I'd again reason that the problem is not having enough pressure ( which is why blowing will often ease the problem ).
Shannon, this is why your suggestion was indeed stupid. Read the question properly next time before giving advice.

I've tried pinching my nose and 'breathing in' which sometimes helps, but not now. I don't think doing this is healthy though ( don't think blowing is healthy either, but that's just me ).
Also tried yawning and chewing, still no avail. Very annoying.

April 15, 2010 - 5:55am


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