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I had a clogged ear which made me deaf, and also left me with a feeling of a full ear, which I tried to keep getting rid of by hitting my head on the side. Then a friend noticed I had a running nose. Assuming this was the problem, I used the following remedy....stopped sleeping in airconditioning (to prevent my nose from running), take nasal spray everymorning, and also 10 mg of gingko biloba (brand I used is blackmore)....Very interesting that the moment I took gingko, my ear started to respond positively. Now two weeks later, I no longer have a clogged ear, and I can hear again. Oh, oh, I forgot...I also prayed for healing from the Lord. I want to believe prayers helped, yet I realise also that the above remedy may also have worked. I hope this help somebody.

October 9, 2009 - 6:35pm


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