I think your Eustachian tubes are blocked up! Eustachian tubes get blocked up after a cold. The tubes are from your middle ear. They transport fluid from you ear to the middle ear. If the fluid doesn't get transported, you will be left with clogged up ears. I suggest you take a decongestant such as: Mucinex-D or Claritin-D. It won't work overnight, but you'll be on the road to unclogged ears!
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I think your Eustachian tubes are blocked up! Eustachian tubes get blocked up after a cold. The tubes are from your middle ear. They transport fluid from you ear to the middle ear. If the fluid doesn't get transported, you will be left with clogged up ears. I suggest you take a decongestant such as: Mucinex-D or Claritin-D. It won't work overnight, but you'll be on the road to unclogged ears!
September 3, 2015 - 3:32amThis Comment