I actually just unclogged my right ear which was congested for a week from flu and blowing nose (normally). I remembered that a ear/nose doctor had already told me this a number of years ago: Pinch your nose shut and gently "breathe in", this creates a sucktion from the ear back inwards. Since my right ear was clogged, I lay on my left, to let gravity help along. Nothing seemed to happen. Then I yawned. It popped open! Redid the clogging by blowing with nose closed, then sucking the air in again then opening nose and yawning motion with jaw. Opened it up again. The doc said to do this a few times over the course of a few days to drain the fluid out of that tube. Good luck, everyone.
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I actually just unclogged my right ear which was congested for a week from flu and blowing nose (normally). I remembered that a ear/nose doctor had already told me this a number of years ago: Pinch your nose shut and gently "breathe in", this creates a sucktion from the ear back inwards. Since my right ear was clogged, I lay on my left, to let gravity help along. Nothing seemed to happen. Then I yawned. It popped open! Redid the clogging by blowing with nose closed, then sucking the air in again then opening nose and yawning motion with jaw. Opened it up again. The doc said to do this a few times over the course of a few days to drain the fluid out of that tube. Good luck, everyone.
November 20, 2014 - 1:51pmThis Comment